The School for Advanced Studies is grounded in the following 4 Core Pillars:


A true liberal arts education reflects the intrinsic value of learning, studying and thinking across subject areas as opposed to the idea that education is a means to an end.  We provide a true liberal arts education with a Selected Works List as part of the curriculum that incorporates material from across time and geography reflecting our belief that students should be exposed to our global intellectual inheritance. 


Our educators are more than just teachers; they are perpetual learners with passions extending beyond their areas of expertise. Intellectually voracious and masters in their fields, our teachers meet students at their level, guiding them toward a profound curiosity about the world.


We believe in the immense intellectual capacities of students who choose a High School Concentration (Fine Arts, Humanities or Math & Science) that allows them to thoroughly explore their primary academic interest.  Students will be guided to deeply engage with challenging academic content via civil discourse, energetic dialogue, shared inquiry and exploration. Our Transformative Senior Experience includes daily college counseling, advanced coursework in their concentration, service-learning, and a Senior Oral Defense.


Cultivate authentic voices in a safe atmosphere that encourages the exploration of developing identities and beliefs. Here, critical thinking harmonizes with civility and acceptance of differences. Through service-learning projects, students become self-aware and engaged members of their community.

High School Academic Concentration

We model our high school program on the bachelor’s degree programs at most liberal arts colleges and universities in which all students, regardless of their major, are exposed to a wide variety of content across disciplines, while also including further and more advanced work in a major field of study.

At the School for Advanced Studies, the options for a major concentration are Fine Arts, Humanities, or Math & Science. All students take rigorous coursework across each of these concentrations, and then further and more advanced coursework within their area of concentration; the advanced coursework includes Advanced Placement courses and college level material.

Fine Arts


Math & Science

Course Overview

An Arkansas-specific set of courses, promotion and graduation requirements, electives, and areas of concentration that have been curated to:

– Set graduates up for success in the finest colleges and universities in the world
– Mold character and change lives
– Meet or exceed all the Arkansas state requirements.

College Counseling Program

Our College Counseling Program begins for students and their families in 8th grade. During that school year, students and families will attend an informational meeting, hosted by their college counselor, to learn about and begin planning for the college admission process. Discussion topics will include:

  • Fit versus prestige
  • Financial preparation
  • GPA and standardized tests
  • Extra-curriculars
  • Teacher recommendations
  • High school course and track selection

Grades 9 and 10: In grades 9 and 10, our college counselors will meet with each student (and parent/guardian by request) at least once per year to answer questions and discuss course selection for the coming school year. College counselors will also provide students with individual feedback on their academic record and suggestions for summer and extracurricular choices.

Grade 11: During the 2nd semester of 11th grade (junior year), all 11th grade students participate in a daily College Counseling Seminar that focuses on the fundamentals of the college application process, as well as the initial criteria for personal selection of colleges and universities that are a good fit for each student’s goals and interests.

Grade 12: Based on the exploration students performed in their junior year College Counseling Seminar, during the first semester of 12th grade (senior year), all students vigorously engage in the process of applying to college. College counselors provide daily input, feedback, guidance, and direction, working with students and families on every aspect of the college application process.

Additionally, once the bulk of the college application process is completed, college counselors work with students on completing their senior thesis projects.